Film: @carldeman
As Henkel wanted to attract a younger audience for their fragranced toilet cleaners, VASS created a digital activation using podcasts and Instagram influencers. The campaign was driven by entertainment and humor, where each profile created genuine content where their individual humor could shine trough in a natural way to better connect with their followers.
To target a younger audience, the Instagram influencers Johanna Nordström, Carl Deman and Lotta Svensk shared videos on their feed, while connecting the brand to real-life situations where Bref literally saved the Shit-uation. USP’s were carefully implemented in each video to show how the product range is designed to provide a clean and fresh feeling in the bathroom. To also include and reach an older target group of women and men, VASS showed runner ads of the podcasts “Arkiv Samtal" and “Självklart”, where Bref and various Shit-uations were discussed during a four-week period.
The #SaveTheShituation campaign communicated relatable, everyday situations in a fun and creative way while at the same time highlighting core values of the brand. The key focus was to implement the products in the typical Swedish home, thus lifting how the products naturally fits your lifestyle. The campaign yielded a great result of 734 602 people reached in Sweden and had an average engagement of 5%.
in total reach
percent in average engagement
total impressions
Photo: @johannanordstrm
Photo: @carldeman